I’m An Entrepreneur And Here’s How I Use Brain Hacks to Maximize Performance

Entrepreneurship is one of the most demanding professions, so why wouldn’t we optimize our performance the way athletes do in the NFL, NBA, and MLB?

For an entrepreneur, the brain is the most important asset and organ in the body to make cognitive performance a competitive advantage. The more focus we have on optimizing our brain function, the more output we can achieve. What is good for the brain is good for the body.

The daily principles highlighted here are part of an more extreme protocol I created for myself over 10 years for daily entrepreneurial success. To be clear, I’m not a doctor and these actions aren’t for a moderate or balanced lifestyle. But they’ve helped me tap into my own creative potential and gave me boundless energy that any startup entrepreneur needs.


Source: https://www.fastcompany.com/90939775/im-an-entrepreneur-and-heres-how-i-use-brain-hacks-to-maximize-performance